I have a book in my kitchen where I try to write all the funny things that my kids say or do. I never want to forget all of the hilarious things that come out of their innocent little mouths. But, I decided it would be easier to save if I had it all written on the blog. So, this week we had a few funny things...
Landon is obsessed with Spider-Man. We have two Spider-Man Suits, a Spider-Man bike, a web slinger, a tent, a blanket, all of the movies, shirts, jammies, pants, shoes, snow gear, and every Spider-Man gadget under the sun. You get the picture, right? Well, yesterday we were running some errands and the boys were watching Spider-Man (the 1st movie) while we were in the car. I was in the drive-through at the bank when I heard Landon yell from the backseat, "Ewww!"
I asked, "Is this the kissing part?"
"No mom. They're not kissing. They're going like this." (Insert a 3 year old's round little face with his mouth wide open moving his head all round. Hummm, just as I thought. The kissing part. :)
The other morning I made pancakes for breakfast. In an effort to get Cooper to eat something (ANYTHING) with a little protein, I smeared peanut butter on his pancake and then covered it with a little syrup. The best! LI love my pancakes this way, and I thought he would too. Well, my two-year-old who has never spoken an entire sentence, just bits and pieces, took one bite, looked at me, and in his perfect two-year-old voice said, "Ewwwwww! Ah, don't like it mom." FINE!
Last night Landon came out of the bathroom with a big grin on his face. Naturally, I was a little worried because I knew he was into something he wasn't supposed to be into. He looked at me with his smirk, lifted up his shirt, and said, "Smell my armpit mom!" Well, okay, just because you're only three. He was so proud to show me that he had puton Ben's deodorant "all by himself".