Monday, October 27, 2008

It's my blog, so I'll brag if I want to...

I know, babies in general are dang cute-but I think I have the world's most adorable, hilarious, heart-melting child on earth! That's 'cuz he's mine. I'm sure if your children belonged to me and I spent 24/7 with them I would be saying the same thing. Anyway, blogs bring bragging rights, (try saying that last line 10 times really fast) so here are just a few pics that I love.


Rebecka said...

Brag your heart out because he IS so stinkin cute!

Courtney said...

Taniel your baby is sooo cute! I just love his hair! thanks for the email about your blog. i have one too! so i'll add you to my friends list. Glad to see you're doing so well!

Sonora Apple said...

Oh yeah, you can brag! He is my nephew and I will brag about him too because he is the most precious child on EARTH! Love ya T!

Rachel said...

Hey this is Rachel Preslar, Tyson's wife. I tumbled onto your blog through Rachel Schanz's. I can't believe we haven't met Landon yet! He is so big already and I love his curly hair! So adorable! Ty and I are moving in January but I'd love to add your blog to my list so we can keep updated on your new little family. Happy Holidays!